Just Sing! Community Choir

Just Sing! Community Choir starting at St. Oswald’s on Sunday 8th September 3.30-5pm

We have had a fantastic response to the choir … lots of folk registering an interest. So much so that we are putting a hold on registrations at the moment … If you are interested in joining do still email (stoswaldskingspark@gmail.com) and I will add you to the waiting list (inevitably not everyone who has registered will be able to come, some will change their mind etc, etc!!) We are starting on Sunday 8th September, 3.30-5pm

It is well known that singing is very good for us—for our general well-being and for our mental health. We hope that the community choir will be a place where we can get together and have a good time singing. It is for absolutely anyone, perhaps especially if you think you can’t sing! There is no need to be able to read music either. Daniela, who is going to lead us, comes to us with lots of experience, both as a teacher and a singer. She currently leads a similar choir in Inverclyde and comes highly recommended!

Cost (to pay Daniela for her time, travel, music etc.) we are asking for a donation of £3 a session. We don’t want anyone to be put off if this is unaffordable (we are mindful of how tough times are for many of us), so if this is an issue, please, please come and speak to our Priest, Alison, this will be in confidence, of course.

The sessions will include time for us to get to know each other (cuppa and cake, always a good thing!), vocal and breathing/warm-up exercises, singing together (rounds, folk songs, popular music, learning about harmony) and ending our session with a mindfulness exercise.

: stoswaldskingspark@gmail.com / revalisonmathew@gmail.com / 07470 345829