I’m New Here

What do I need to know?
Whether you have moved to the area recently or are with us for the first time, you are very welcome, and we hope that you will feel at home. Please tell us how we do.

Babies and children
Babies and children always have a place at St Oswald’s. Children are a vital part of our communities and we want to journey with them and their families in worship and growing with God. They will never be frowned upon for joining in noisily, having a good fidget, or exploring the church, in other words for being children. It is their space to worship as much as anyone else’s.

Jesus told us the kingdom of heaven belonged to little ones, and we think the best way to discover what that means is to encourage everyone to be included in our worship. At this point in our journey together as a church, we are considering new ways to engage with children and young people in our communities. If you have or care for little ones, do come and help us to do this. Or if you are a young person yourself, we would love to hear your ideas!

What to expect?
Everyone here was new once so please don’t worry! You will find a friendly welcome at the door and be given an order of service. Join in if you like, or please feel free to sit and watch. If you would like to join in and are unsure what to do, please ask the person next to you. They will be happy to help.

After the service
Hospitality is part of who we are! There is always tea and coffee after the service. We’d love you to stay so we can get to know each other a bit better.

I wonder … 

Wondering what this faith stuff is all about ….? At St. Oswald’s we hope you will find a place where we can all be ourselves … where we can ask questions, share our thoughts and ideas, our doubts … where we can explore faith together …